The Healing Experience


Worldwide, as the number of external facilities grow and make sure of the fact that mankind is taken care of in every sense of the word. Minimizing time, effort and distance, this exponential emergence claims to refine the quality of life, but going to the core of the fact one would ask what does quality of life mean? And more importantly who determines this standard of quality? We as a naturally inquisitive species have invested ourselves in becoming the best version of ourselves to match the expectations of an increasingly intolerant society, the rat race seems like a mirage projecting a glorious struggle for perfection, but the flow from struggle to strife doesn’t take much time. The bed of roses soon turns into a bed of thorns. The constant search for fulfilment outside ourselves is definitely a frustrating experience yet something that is very normalised as we tend to live in this perpetual state of misery without noticing it. Pushing our tiny selves against the whole wide world we forget the simple fact that we are a part of the same world!

The return to a healthy state of being requires a great degree of personal work or popularly known as “self-help”. Maintaining health does not limit itself to taking prescribed pills or sticking to a healthy diet. Without personal work on ourself we eventually end up creating another problem leading us right back to square one. The idea of suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and anxiety and eventually manifests into a physical ailment. As the world wakes up to these hard-hitting realities triggered by their own suffering (physical or mental illness), It's essential that we deal with the deeper meaning of our difficulties, to see if we listen to our whole self or are ignoring something important. On one level for people to understand the root of the matter, life presents such situations which cause pain, but on a deeper level it is a nudge towards waking up!

As people start observing their way of life, they come to understand that their miseries are an outcome of their actions, that in reality they are the masters of their life and it’s up to them to take control and design it. When the understanding of the transience of life dawns upon us, we start to broaden our horizons of awareness to things beyond our conceptualization, things we had no idea even existed, for the sake of a more holistic way of living. As and when in the contemporary world we allow ourself to develop new sensitivities we begin to see the whole world differently, we begin to pay attention to aspects of life that seemed peripheral before, the terms like “good vibes” and “bad vibes” become household terms as we begin to step in and activate our senses beyond the figurative meaning of the same. Modern experiments suggest the existence of a bioplasmic energy field which is distinct from the three known states of matter, for the lack of a better word it can be referred to as the god particle. The system of Reiki is a leap of faith in this direction as it affirms the idea that the universe and human body is made up of energies, the word Reiki itself means the Universal or sacred life force. Modern science tells us that the human organism isn’t limited to the physical structure, moving from the world of static solid forms into the world of dynamic energy fields, we come to an understanding that just like the sea, we too ebb and flow. The human energy field is a manifestation of the universal energy that is intimately involved with human life, it can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, each succeeding layer is composed of finer substances and higher vibrations, each layer is associated with a chakra which are swirling cone shaped vortexes. Energy flows into the chakras from the Universal energy field. It is important to open the chakras to increase our energy flow, the more energy we let flow, the healthier we are. We are literally like sponges in the sea of energy that surrounds us. Metabolizing energy from the universal field and dealing with the content of the consciousness that is associated with the energy is not that easy, therefore we work in tune with our level of consciousness so that we have the means to process the personal material that is released and make room for new understanding and information in our life. Each layer of the human energy field has its own particular function and is associated with a Chakra, each chakra having its own psychological and physical function as its distinction from other chakras. The first layer associated with the first Chakra, the second with second and so on. The first layer and the first chakra are associated with the physical functioning and the physical sensations (pain/pleasure), the first layer is concerned with automatic and autonomic functions of the body, the second layer and chakra are related to the emotional aspect of human life, the third chakra is connected with linear thinking, the fourth associated with the heart chakra is the vehicle through which we love, not only our surrounding but humanity in general, the fifth is connected to higher will, power of the word, taking responsibility for our actions, the sixth level is associated with celestial love, a quality of love that exists beyond the human range of love and engulfs all life, lastly the seventh layer is related to the higher mind, an integration of our spiritual and physical makeup. Understanding how any physical symptom is related to the location of the Chakra can help in determining the nature of the illness. Reiki’s ability to balance the Chakras and create a unity in mind, body and spirit connects us to the spring of wellness, from where creativity can blossom. This study of the human aura, the art of channelling Reiki can be a bridge between traditional medicine and psychological concerns. Nobody really understands how Reiki works, it’s a matter of practice for finding the truth, and the truth of the matter is even more enlightening as it’s a matter of trusting our intuition and becoming Reiki itself.


" Rolling in and out of Hindu college with my degree in English literature wasn’t enough to curb my craving for expression. Pursuing and juggling various creative skills like dancing, music and theatre has broadened my interests and passion to look out for the next new lesson. Forever trying to wrap my head around this perpetual tease called existence. "